Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effect of Change in an Organisation

www. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertation Writing Service Even though the positivist and phenomenological approaches seem to completely contradict one another, Bryman and Bell (2004) maintain that a researcher should not select one or the other but, instead, should weave the two together.In other words, for those aspects of the research problem which can be better served if explored through a scientific approach, the positivist methodology should be employed whereas those which require the researcher’s more active engagement or an analysis of the social environment, the phenomenological approach should be used. The implication here is that the two approaches can coexist within a single study and can be used to explore different aspects of the research problem (Bryman and Bell, 2004).Rather than select the one approach over the other, the selected research approach shall combine between the two. As such, the researcher shall engage in the objective analysis of tardiness behaviour through the analysis of attendance records while, at the same time, monitoring 20 students for a period of 12 weeks for the purpose of closer and more critical observation of the dimensions of the defined problem and the behavioural and situational variables which induce it. The effects of the corrective strategies which shall be deployed vis-avis these 12 students shall also be observed.To this extent, the research unfolds within a phenomenological framework. The research, however, is not restricted to the phenomenological approach as a thorough investigation of the problem also necessitates the adoption of positivist approach. Therefore, for a better understanding of the social and environmental factors influencing tardiness, the researcher will survey faculty members and homeroom teachers and interview the two school administrators responsible for the control of the problem.The researcher shall, in other words, explore the socio-environmental factors influencing tardiness. 16 ww w. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertation Writing Service 3. 2. 2 Quantitative versus Qualitative The data gathered shall be analysed from both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. As Punch (2000) emphasises, within the context of social science research, both approaches must be used in order to arrive at both an objective, measurable understanding of the phenomenon and a humanistic comprehension of its socio-environmental dimensions.While attendance records and the effects of the corrective strategies on the twenty students under observation shall be qualitatively analysed, the variables which influence tardiness rates, both increase and decrease, shall be qualitatively analysed as a strategy for uncovering the socioenvironmental factors influencing tardiness rates. In other words, both qualitative and quantitative data analysis approaches shall be used for the purposes of arriving at a more holistic understanding of the phenomenon. 3. 2. 3 Deductive versus Inductive Marcoulide s (1998) defines the deductive approach as a testing of theories.The researcher proceeds with a set of theories and conceptual precepts in mind and formulates the study’s hypotheses on their basis. Following from that, the research proceeds to test the proposed hypotheses. The inductive approach, on the other hand, follows from the collected empirical data and proceeds to formulae concepts and theories in accordance with that data (Marcoulides, 1998). While not disputing the value of the inductive approach, the research opted for the deductive approach, or the `top-down,’ as opposed to the `bottom-up’ method. 3. 3 Data Sources and Data Collection MethodsFor the purposes of this research and given that both primary and secondary data are needed, three data collection methods will be used. Apart from the desk-based data collection method traditionally associated with secondary data collection, primary data will be collected 17 www. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertati on Writing Service through the archival records (attendance sheets), interviews with two school administrators, a survey of faculty opinion, and the researcher’s own observations.. 3. 4 Credibility of Research Findings Ultimately, the data collected is used to inform the research findings.If the data is not verifiable, the implication is that the findings are potentially suspect. incumbent upon the researcher to validate his/her findings (Sekaran, 2003). Accordingly, it is 3. 4. 1 Reliability A study is reliable only if another researcher, using the same procedure and studying the same phenomenon, arrives at similar, or comparable, findings (Sekaran, 2003). Accordingly, it is important that the researcher maintain a comprehensive protocol of his study, in case others may be interested in checking its reliability (Sekaran, 2003).Even with the best of intentions in mind, the researcher is often confronted with a variety of variables which may impinge upon the reliability of his findings. Quite simply stated, if he is partly drawing conclusions on the basis of questionnaire and interview data, it could very well be that respondents were biased or, simply not in the mood to answer the questions with any degree of interest. It is not at all uncommon for respondents to simply tick of response options without reading or considering them (Sekaran, 2003).Accordingly, research scholars advise researchers to carefully select their respondents, ensure that they are, indeed, willing participants in the study and will answer the questions with the minimum degree of bias (Hair et al. , 2005). To ensure that this, indeed, is the case, when in-putting the questionnaire data, the researcher should carefully read through them to ensure that there are no logical flaws and that the responses given by any one respondent are not contradictory (Hair et al. , 2005).In addition, and to better ensure reliability, the researcher should schedule interviews at the respondent’ s convenience and, 18 www. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertation Writing Service further, when distributing questionnaires, should give participants several days to answer. By pursuing this advice, the researcher would, at least, be minimising the chances that the interview be rushed and the questionnaires blindly answered (Hair et al. , 2005). To enhance the reliability of the current research, the cited advice shall be considered and meticulously applied. 3. 4. 2 ValiditySaunders et al. (2000) contends that a research is valid only if it actually studies what it set out to study and only if the findings are verifiable. There are three methods for establishing validity. As Saunders et al. (2000) explains, construct validity entails the establishment of accurate operational measurements for the research’s core concept. This is done by establishing a chain of evidence throughout the data collection process; by verifying key information through the use of multiple sources of infor mation; and by presented informants with a draft of the study for review.Besides establishing construct validity, social science researches need also establish external validity by testing the applicability of the findings to external case studies (Yin, 1989). While conceding to the importance of external validation methods, they are beyond the scope of the current research. Consequently, the research shall seek the verification of its findings through construct validation. 3. 5 Conclusion As may have been deduced from the above, the research shall adopt a mixed methodological approach. The selection of the aforementioned and above explained ethodology was imposed upon the research by the nature of the phenomenon under investigation, the multi-layered nature of the research problem and the imperatives of satisfying the study’s diverse, but interrelated, objectives. 19 www. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertation Writing Service 4. 0 References Battisch, V. and Hom, A. (1997) The r elationship between students’ sense of their school as a community and their involvement in problem behaviors. American Journal of Public Health, 87(12), 1997-2001. Booth, A. and Dunn, J. F. (1996) Family-School Links: How Do They Affect Educational Outcomes?NY: Erlbaum. Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2004) Business Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chaker, A. M. (2005) Schools get tough on tardy students. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved on 10 Jan. 2007, from http://www. post-gazette. com/pg/05321/607996. stm Conaway, H. W. (2006) Collaboration for Kids; Early Intervention Tools for Schools and Communities. Highland: Aha Process Inc. Cooper, D. R. (2003) Business Research Methods. London: McGraw-Hill. Cooper, D. R. and Schindler, P. S. (2005) Business Research Methods. London: McGraw-Hill. Creswell, J. W. 2003) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches. California: Sage Publications. Crosnoe, R. (2000) Friendships in childhood and ad olescence: The life course and new directions. Social Psychology Quarterly, 63, 377-371. ___ (2001) Academic orientation and parental involvement in education during high school. Sociology of Education, 74, 210-230. Dane, F. C. (1990) Research Methods. Cambridge: Thomas brooks. Fassett, D. L. and Warren, J. T. (2004) You get pushed back: The strategic rhetoric of educational success and failure in higher education. Communication Education, 53(1), 21-39. 20

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of relationship Essay

The moral naturalists believed that moral responses are a result of a long history of relationship. The naturalists argue that we observe people as they live thus one do not have to rely on metaphysics or exposure. The moral naturalists were not able to elaborate the reasons as to why morality is very important. The fact that if at all morality is natural, why are we struggling to maintain moral standards, yet it’s in the process of evolution. Moreover, the naturalist relied on science given that they related man’s morality with primates and that due to evolution, morals do change (Wikipedia. org, 2010). They argued that moral judgment is a result of intuition which makes us to come up with justifications after the facts. Moral naturalist fails in accepting that transcendence and the sacred plays a most important role in every human in the society. They consider gentleness, fairness and kindness to be moral life while neglecting awesomeness, greatness and transcendent morality satisfaction. In addition, it lays emphasis on group cohesion via cooperative virtues e. g. empathy over individual dissent which encourages strives for recognition and superiority. The moral naturalist show that religion has led to increased cases of abortion, murder, suicide and sexual immorality which in the real sense are not the case (Brooks, 2010). They support their view by arguing that belief and worship of God is unnecessary for healthy society in view of the fact that it contribute to many social problems. In support for Brooks against moral naturalism, its evidenced that each community have got different beliefs and coming up with a common moral for all society it can prove to be disastrous. This is because the motivating factor that makes a person to do what is right or wrong is what accounts for morality. This study contrast religious believers’ attitude that religion is the best in fostering moral and ethical behaviors for a healthy society. On the other hand, the religious groups believe that religion has got many benefits to the society for it helps in dealing with crime, and all other vices in the society thus lowering them and offering social beneficial. Furthermore, the study analysis shows that devotion of religious believers contribute to many ills in the society which according to Christians and other believers is not true for they consider religion as a source of blessings to their society for it carries God blessings. The moral naturalist’s favors secularism that it is more effective in securing social cohesion and non-violent resolution in the society of conflict unlike religious believers on the ground that moral order is not instituted on religion. The religious naturalist focuses on the real meaning of life. They claim that the world should be understood in religious way without a detailed system of beliefs. They endeavor to ensure that human need to value their lives and also recognize that they are part of nature. Thus they should accept science for it tries to provide reliable information about nature and the world at large. The moral naturalist claims that the religious believers have got a strong sense of right and wrong making them to indulge in vices like the secular ones. And that some religion grants people doors for committing crimes like the terrorist Muslims who blow themselves up with confidence that by so doing they will go straight to paradise. This is another shortcoming of the moral naturalist given that religious believer do have a common moral on knowing what is wrong and right since they have a moral compass from their creator (MST, 2010). When one act contrary to morality, he becomes blasphemous and thus evolved intuitions do not guarantee the right or consistence answers to any moral dilemma. The Americans do not agree with these scientific claims of morality. Most of them especially those who support Christianity support consider religion to be the promoters of morals leading to a decent society which is free from any sort of wickedness. Moreover, the theory can not find access to the American society given that most of them are Christians who believe in the existence of God. Though the scientist argue that morality is a biological adaptation and yet people are steered by their deepest cares and concerns. The study of scientist on countries with the lowest social ills revealed that non religious nation had less cases of social ills compared to religious nation, they concluded that religious belief is the main contributor of social evils (Hauser & Singer, 2005). In addition, most informed Americans will not agree to the naturalist theoretical emphasis that human morality has evolved together with those of other primates. Given that naturalism involves a deep respect to science methodology which can be proved wrong or right depending on the argument posed. Naturalism therefore can’t be a substantive proposal for it’s a result of science. In addition, attention will only be paid on what is morally upright to the society and not what scientists are trying to imply (Wisdomresearch. org, 2010). Rationality is to be the key concern of the Americans in ensuring morality has been maintained in the society hence much attention is left out of naturalism on the ground of it being just a research program and not real. Works cited Brooks, David. The Moral Naturalists, 2010. Retrieved on 1st August 2010 from, http://www. nytimes. com/2010/07/23/opinion/23brooks.html? _r=2&ref=davidbrooks Hauser, M. & Singer, P. (n d). Morality without Religion. Retrieved on 1st August 2010 from, http://www. wjh. harvard. edu/~mnkylab/publications/recent/HauserSingerMoralRelig05. pdf MST, Participation in the MST, 2010. Retrieved on 1st August 2010 from, http://wjh1. wjh. harvard. edu/~moral/test. php Wikipedia. org, Religious Naturalism, 2010. Retrieved on 1st August 2010 from, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Religious_naturalism Wisdomresearch. org, Defining Wisdom, 2010. Retrieved on 1st August 2010 from, http://wisdomresearch. org/Arete/GreeneVideo. aspx

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of Canada’s Healthcare System

Analysis of Canadas Healthcare System INTRODUCTION Canada is a developed country located in the northern part of North America. In 1867, it became a self-governing state while retaining its tie with the British crown. When it comes to economic and technology, Canada is developing in parallel to its neighbour to the south, which is the United State of America. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, with a democratic constitutional monarchy as their form of government. In the past years, Canada’s politics faces the challenges of reaching the population’s demands for quality improvement in education, social services, economic competitiveness and health care. The health care system in Canada is funded publicly and delivered on a provincial or territorial basis, within a guidelines set by the federal government (Canadian Health Care, 2007). Every Canadian citizens are provided with preventative services and medical treatments from general practitioners at the same time having access to hospitalisation, dental surgery and other medical services. However, in the past few years Canada’s Healthcare System is facing controversy because of it’s soaring costs. I NCREASING COST OF UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE IN CANADA According to a latest study (Esmail N., Palacios M., 2013), conducted by the Fraser Institute with the title â€Å" The Price of Public Health Care Insurance: 2013 Edition †, the average Canadian household now pays approximately $7,860 in taxes for ‘health care insurance.’, which is 53.3% higher than of in 2003. Over the past decade the cost of healthcare in Canada doubled and is believe to exceed the $200 billion budget mark. Canada’s health care costs continue to grow at a faster rate than the government’s revenue, largely driven by spending on prescription drugs. In the last five years, however, growth rates in pharmaceutical spending have been matched by hospital spending and overtaken by physician spending, mainly due to increas ed provider remuneration (Marchildon G., 2013). In addition, this trend is also caused by what the health system spends on doctors, which rose by an average of 6.8 % every year. Of that value, 3.6% was caused by the increase in physician’s fees. Other driving factors for the increase in healthcare costs are population growth, aging population and increased health care demand. Consequently, this rise in Canada’s universal health care costs is said to be the reason why the government has limited ability to provide other services such as education, transportation and pension benefits. Increased health care costs will results into higher labor costs, which might cause companies to hire lesser workers, produce less output, or raise their prices. The high expenditure for health causes the budget for other government programs and priorities be restricted. EFFECT ON CANADA’S ECONOMY The abrupt rise in health care costs and insurance can affect several parts of the econo my. The rise in health care costs can cause job growth to slow down because it costs companies more money to add new employees. Wage increases have also slowed for current employees, since companies must spend more money on health care premiums. The public sector includes the federal, state and municipal governments. The public sector is dealing with costs rising more than revenues. This places a high degree of examination on discretionary health care spending. Companies are faced with rising health care spending often cut other expenses, such as reducing health care benefits, requiring employees to pay a larger share of their health care benefits, or reducing wage increases.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Regulation in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Regulation in the United States - Essay Example With regulations, business people can conduct transactions without damaging the environment and people’s health. Regulations ensure that the products produced are of top quality and user-friendly (Vogel and David 146). In essence, were it not for regulations, control of some disease and illicit business behaviors would have been very challenging. Government regulations have enhanced steady growth of infant industries and business enterprises in the United States. For instance, government control on foreign trade aid in preventing excessive importation of products from other countries in order to secure local market for the infant industries. In addition, regulations assist in shielding small business from unhealthy competition and misuse by already established enterprises. For instance, the United States patents and trademarks office shields business innovations and particular products from infringement by opponents. Essentially, regulations form a reliable benchmark for smaller business to expand without unhealthy interruptions. Government regulations are sometimes tailored to raise revenue required to run government programs and projects. For instance, revenue raised through taxation and fines paid by people and businesses that fail to comply with the established regulations, is used for development programs. Generally, regulations play a key role in bringing developments close to the poor citizens. Business enterprises incur huge expenses to remain in compliance with the government regulations (Vogel and David 265). In addition, companies are forced to change methods of operation in order to comply with new and the existing regulations. The additional expenses that companies incur in fulfilling the requirements outlined in government regulations is passed to the consumer through increased prices. Consequently, the cost of living rises, making it difficult for poor people to survive. Some regulations such as tariff barriers and increased quota system

Formation of Isoamyl Acetate Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Formation of Isoamyl Acetate - Lab Report Example During reflux a colour change from colourless to slight yellow was observed. After 15 minute reflux the mixture was allowed to cool and 1M sodium hydroxide solution was used for the neutralisation. Strong banana smell was detected. To the obtained solution a portion of diethyl ether was added. As two layers formed, sparatory funnel was used to remove the diethyl ether layer. Extraction was conducted several times after which all the produced diethyl ether layers were combined, dried and heated until all diethyl layer evaporated. The described manipulations afforded 1.52 g. of isoamyl ester (25.42%). It is expected that the boiling point of isoamyl acetate will be 1420C, however this temperature will be lower of traces of diethyl ether remained. Regarding IR results, it is expected that there will be no signals in the region 3000-4000 cm-1. If there are then traces of acetic acid or alcohol remained in the product. Also, characteristic signals in the region 1500-2000 cm-1 should point out to the presence of C=O group. The fingerprint region should be compared with the isoamyl acetate spectrum from the database (Clayden, et al.,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Assignment 5 women psy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assignment 5 women psy - Essay Example In particular, racial and gender differences between people are the basis for different measurements of normality, something that makes a general normalcy measurement for all of mankind difficult to ascertain. The first major issue concerning normalcy measures is the existence of several different races among people; in America, for example, there are several prominent minority groups including African-Americans, Latin-Americans and Asian-Americans. Due to the cultural and religious backgrounds of these people, they cannot properly be compared to white Americans and therefore the definition of normal must be changed to accommodate them. It is not logical to group Asian-Americans in with white Americans in terms of religious beliefs, for example, because the sheer numbers of white Americans will overpower the Asian-Americans so that the latter must be defined as deviant (John 1994). Similarly, a comparison of income between white Americans and Latin-Americans who have only recently immigrated will mark out the latter group as deviant from the norm, set by white Americans who simply have a much higher population. Normalcy in terms of ethnic groups becomes very difficult to ascertain because of cultural and initial economic differences which mark out the minority groups as abnormal. Another problem with the definition of normal is its lack of relevance between men and women, regardless of culture. For example, it may considered normal for women to be concerned about health issues like breast cancer and osteoporosis, it is likewise normal for men to be concerned with heart disease and colon cancer. Men and women do not have the same types of health risks, and so to group them together to ascertain what is the normal concern pattern will be dependent completely on the numbers of each gender questioned. Although this would technically

Friday, July 26, 2019

Art 123 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art 123 - Essay Example The theme is naturalistic. There is a spirit of expectation. Masaccio modeled his figures as solid as statues to be realistic, by using strong light in particular areas to give shadow effect in his figures, complying with the principle of Renaissance along with naturalism. The featured background is done with linear perspective of mountains and temple structure that is drawn symmetrically. Renaissance artists, writers and thinkers are said to have respect for order, symmetry and proportion. In addition to this are the realistic facial expressions of the figures. For example, the face of St. Peter, in his effort to bend over and take the money away from the fish's mouth, has turned red. At the right side, the tax collector is illustrated with a satisfied expression on his face while St. Peter hands him over the coin. The actions, gestures and expressions here are what real people express in given circumstances. Figures are dressed in Greek's fashion, in line with the biblical description of dress code during the first century, with tunics tied at the waist, and cloaks wrapped over their left shoulder, around the back, and clasped at the front. On the other hand, Caravaggio's The Calling of St. Matthew is a Baroque art, as evident by the visual representation of the painting itself, using exaggerated position of the figures which is a principle of Baroque art.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What is the main purpose of the miracle stories in the New Testament Essay

What is the main purpose of the miracle stories in the New Testament Can we take them seriously in the post modern era - Essay Example Miracle is a sign God use to point at Himself or at His existence. Through miracles God portrays, the universal fact that the whole universe is made by Him. He has order the universe to act in a certain order and according to certain laws, therefore He has the authority to change these whenever He wants The miracle is not always mean to break or violate the natural law. Everything has been made by God, He controls it and has been maintaining it since the first day of its creation but one day He will destroy it. The day will be â€Å"the day of judgment†. In the New Testament Jesus Christ performed many miracles. He performed His first miracle when He changed water into wine. He healed many people. The brought the dead to life. This was all done to build the faith of the Christian in the Supreme Authority. Being a Christian whenever you read the bible, you see miracles happening on every other page. Whether it is water changing into wine, sick ones is healed, the sea divides into two parts. There are number of miraculous activities which are performed by God himself, or by God’s will. All these events which we read only make our faith firm as a mountain. It makes us believe that Almighty God has unlimited power over every other thing. He controls all that happens and even the things that you think are impossible to happen. All the powers are in the hands of God, He can bring the dead to life. The purpose of all the miracles is to tell the human being that God has control of creation because he is the only one who has created us. It tells us that if God has the control over such miraculous thing, so just imagine what he can do with our lives. Nothing difficult for Him to control He can change our lives within the blink of an eye. He wants us to believe in the miracles and know that they can happen in our lives too. The miracles occur to make us believe in the bible. It makes us believe that there is a life after death and the way to that eternal life, is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

International Finance - Essay Example In this age of globalisation, many companies conduct businesses in countries other than their own. With opportunities in new markets come various types of risks—business risks, macro environmental risks, as well as foreign exchange risks (Pattichis et al. 2004). When a company conducts a business outside the country where it is based, the company is said to be exposed to some foreign exchange risks, where the fluctuations in the differences between the home countrys currency and the host countrys currency may result in adverse impacts in the companys income from international operations, as well as its balance sheet. In this age of globalisation, many companies conduct businesses in countries other than their own. With opportunities in new markets come various types of risks—business risks, macro environmental risks, as well as foreign exchange risks (Pattichis et al. 2004). When a company conducts a business outside the country where it is based, the company is said to be exposed to some foreign exchange risks, where the fluctuations in the differences between the home countrys currency and the host countrys currency may result in adverse impacts in the companys income from international operations, as well as its balance sheet. Companies need to protect themselves from these risks; a drastic change in the exchange rate between the home countrys currency and that of the host country can result in significant gains or losses (Nazarboland 2003). Aside from this, those which are otherwise very profitable international ventures of the company, due to fluctuations in the foreign exchange rate, may seem to be a losing business. For companies that have significant foreign direct investments across the globe, in order to assess more accurately the performance of their international subsidiaries, managing the foreign exchange risk is very important (Collier et al. 1990). Also, these differences will have a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The myth of original of Islam and how the I slam presented and use Research Paper

The myth of original of Islam and how the I slam presented and use example from Holy Quran and comparing it with the first story of creation in Genesis in the Bible - Research Paper Example reement in claiming that Adam was originally formed from the mud, that transforming a bunch of mud into an alive being is performed by God, that the formation of Adam took place before the formation of his companion Eva and that she was formed from the ribs of Adams (Von Rad 1973). But the Quran recounted that Eva was formed from the body of Adam only not identifying if it was from his ribs. It was recounted in the Bible that God gave Adam the ‘breath of life’, whereas in the Quran it is narrated that God gave Adam a ‘heavenly spiritual breath’ (Barto 2009, 88). This essay thus compares the Biblical and Qur’anic account of the Creation and the Fall of Man. The Bible begins with the beginning of time, the Creation. It is a complicated narrative that dominates the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, fittingly referred to as Genesis, and expands into the later chapter, where the story progresses and trails the story of our first parents, Adam and Eve. According to Katheer and Kamal-ad-Din (2001), obviously, the Christians read a similar Bible even if they referred to it as the Old Testament, and they usually understand it in a different way from its Jewish authors. However, the Muslims—the third group of Monotheists—have their own distinct rendition of such prehistoric episodes in a matching Scripture, the Quran, which they similarly worship as the Word of God. The description of the Quran of the absolute beginning of time, even though the same with that of the Bible in several points and meaning, both stipulate a supreme creation from naught, for instance, and on the Grand Designer’s crafting of humankind, is not specified in the continuous storyline of Genesis. The Quran is an anthology of God’s revelations to Muhammad over the final two decades of his existence (Sawma 2006). They are partitioned into 114 Surahs, but several of these Suras in all likelihood enclose multiple revelations. The Quran, therefore, is a compilation of

Race and Racial Group Essay Example for Free

Race and Racial Group Essay Search the Internet for groups and organizations promoting racial equality to help you complete this assignment. You may also refer to the Internet Resource Directory in Ch. 13 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Using the information from the text and your web search: Identify one racial group from the list below:  · Hispanic American/Latino Write a 500- to 750-word paper from one of the perspectives below:  · A historian writing about the racial group in a book chapter  · A news reporter writing a newspaper article or blog entry about the racial group  · An individual member of the racial group, writing a personal letter to a friend who is not a member of that racial group Answer the following questions:  · What have been the experiences of this racial group throughout U. S. history?  · What have been the political, social, and cultural issues and concerns throughout American history?  · What legislation meant to constrain race within prejudicial boundaries was enacted? How did the various groups you researched fight this legislation? What legislation meant to alleviate prejudicial boundaries has been enacted? How did the various groups you researched promote this legislation? Assignment: Historical Report on Race Purpose of Assignment Students explore a variety of resources on racial equality and write a paper from a historical perspective relating to the experiences of a particular racial group in the United States. By understanding the history of experiences of various groups, students will be better prepared to connect historical experience to racial diversity today. Resource Required Internet Resource Directory in Ch. 13 of Racial and Ethnic Groups

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effects of Technology on Enviroment Essay Example for Free

Effects of Technology on Enviroment Essay Effects of technology on environment. Selection of topic Now a day the world relies totally on technologies. Therefore, it is important to discuss on the effect caused on environment due to these technologies. Aims and objectives To study about effects of technology on earth. To study its negative and positive impact on environment. To discuss how to decreases its ill effect. To analysis the energy consumed per year on technologies. Relevance The Negative Ecological Impacts of Technology One of the biggest problems the world faces today is the amount of energy that is consumed globally. With almost all of the worlds businesses using computer technology to operate, the energy consumption of the industrial world is constantly on the increase. Countries such as the United States where the average employee works more than 40 hours a week, as a result, the energy consumption of a typical office in the United States is likely to be higher than that of an office in a country where the average work week does not exceed 40 hours. Many offices run their computer systems on a mainframe server. This server is usually running 24 hours a day and is rarely shut down. To keep these servers from overheating, fans are installed within the hard drives. With the combined energy of the fans and the operation of the servers, the amount of energy being consumed is huge and results in a very high thermal count. According to the International Energy Agency or, IEA, around 4% of the worlds energy consumption in 2008 was due to the mass use of information communications technologies. This figure is predicted to rise to an incredible 40% by the time the year 2030 arrives. By this time, the demands on the worlds electricity sources will have also doubled globally and companies will need to have a viable solution to prevent computer technologies from being a major drain on the worlds energy resources. The  Positive Ecological Impacts of Technology Despite the claims that technology is to blame for many of the worlds ecological problems, technology has also served to improve the shape of our planet. Since the rise of technology in the workplace, numerous ICT companies have been designing greener technology to combat the detrimental effect that computers and their accompanying technology have on the environment. One of the best known organizations is the Green Grid. The Green Grid is an organization that consists of IT companies and professionals from around the world. The Green Grid is devising ways to improve the way energy is consumed by IT oriented businesses and their offices. One of the biggest achievements of the Green Grid is the Power Usage Effectiveness or, PUE, metric system. This system records data center energy consumption. How it works is by recording the energy consumption of a data center or mainframe server every 15 minutes. By recording in these 15 minute increments it helps those monitoring the data to notice if there are any energy fluctuations and if the data center systems are using an adequate amount of energy. The long term goal of the Green Grid is to introduce a standard system that allows business managers and IT operatives to compare the amount of the energy they are consuming and if necessary resolve ways to reduce it. Another technology that is having positive impacts on the environment is low carbon technology. Low carbon technology is a form of technology that has been developed in China. Largely developed because of Chinas low carbon footprint in comparison to other developing countries, the low carbon technology aims to offset the amount of emissions polluting the air by using renewable fossil fuels. Observation Improvements in the technology have antagonistic effects on the human life along with the positive effects. The growth of the technology leads to very severe problems like pollution, unemployment, effects social life of the humans etc.. First of all, the most serious problem is pollution, which is created by the technological inventions like vehicles, industries, etc.. Now-a-days the vehicles like cars, bikes are increasing which is leading to increase in pollution. The other problem is radiation caused by the increase in the mobile phones. Secondly, in most of the developing countries like  India the major problem is unemployment. This problem is mostly caused by the increase in the instruments, which are the results of improvement in the technology. Finally, in today’s world all the people are getting addicted to the internet like social sites, games and they also becoming victims of the google. For example, all the persons are getting involved in the facebook and they are not at all bothering about the surrounding world, this may leading them away from the social life and sometimes it also creates problems in the families. The other example, everyone in this world is depending on google for each and everything and they are not at all referring to the books. However, most of the people say that improvements in technology like software solutions creates employment, but that is not true because the employment created by the software field is less than the employments which is decreased by the instruments in industries. In conclusion, the negative effects of the technology is higher than the advantages from the improvements in technology. Conclusion As a result of the increase in the various forms of technology, there are many positive and negative ecological impacts on the planet. Through the rise in modern technology and increase in globalization, there is a high increase in energy consumption. This in turn has devastating effects on the planets climate and air quality. However, without modern technology there would not be the capability to improve energy management systems or to develop environmentally friendly products such as bio-fuels. To make a progressive step towards reducing the amount of damage technology does to the environment, it is necessary to find ways to manage new technology responsibly so that it can continue to have positive ecological impacts. Analysis

Sunday, July 21, 2019

My ecological footprint

My ecological footprint My ecological footprint percentage is 70.82%. We would need 4.51 earths if everyone had the lifestyle that I lead. The results made me feel concerned because my footprint is below average by almost 20 percent, which seems like a lot to me. I was surprised that my results were so poor because I think of myself as someone who is environmentally conscious. I do not litter by throwing garbage on the street. If a garbage can is not conveniently located by me, I carry the garbage with me until I can find a garbage can. Because of little things like this, I was surprised that my ecological footprint is so low. That is why I think this was a worthwhile assignment because it educated me about how environmentally friendly I am. I would realistically reduce my footprint by about 25% by using cleaner transport. Usually I drive whenever I need to go somewhere, but I think from now on whenever possible, I will take the Metro Transit bus instead. I think that resource depletion is likely to increase as Developing Countries attempt to increase their standard of living. The country where I am from, a developing country, Yemen, does not have as large an ecological footprint as Canada does. In our cities, cars are used a lot but in the countryside, people uses horses and camels as their main way of transporting themselves. Yemen is trying to become more developed like the West, but so far it has not worked out that well. Originally, because Yemen started out as a kingdom, only the King had a car but over time, as it became a republic, cars became more common as everyday people began driving them in the cities. I think that as Yemen seeks to become more like the Western world, especially the United States, resource depletion will become more pronounced. Developing Nations should not have the right to deplete resources just to become more like the West, because that will make just the situation with the environment worse as time go es on. If every country has a large ecological footprint, then we will increasingly need more earths to satisfy everyones energy consumption. The article, found on says that people in Europe are relying too much on groundwater. If this continues, then the water supply could become a problem. If that happens, the price of water will go up, and this will be bad for the world economy because everyone needs water. If people who need it cannot afford to pay for it, then that could be an economic, as well as environmental, disaster. The root cause of this problem is that people are relying too much on groundwater. We can reduce our footprint as countries by making sure that some people do not get extra water, while others go without. References Retrieved online on May 18, 2009 at

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Capital Punishment :: essays research papers

There are five basic reasons that society uses when imposing the â€Å"punishment† that I’ve been able to conclude from my readings. I will discuss these societal concepts and show that the death penalty does not serve to further them. Deterrence   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Deterrence is basically defined as â€Å"the punishment should fit the crime.† Under this concept, the individual committing the crime and society are prevented from committing this action again. In the case of the death penalty, an individual kills another human and he is â€Å"punished† for it by death. Punishment is supposed to be a temporary penalization for a wrongful action. Death is far from temporary. One is to learn from one’s mistakes. How can the person learn if they are paying for their mistakes with their life? By imposing the death penalty the individual does not learn from their mistakes and neither does society. Economy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Under this concept, punishment should be economical. There are specific costs associated with keeping an inmate on death row such as specially built prison blocks, the need for maximum security, and costing the courts much money through many, many appeals. These costs clearly out weigh the regualr costs incurred to house a regular inmate. Deterrence is clearly not served by imposing the death penalty. Restitution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Society demands that the punishment should fix the harm it has done. By sentencing a person to death no harm has been fixed. You can not bring the murdered person back by taking the prisoner’s life. Punishment is not intended to revenge, offset, or compensate for the victims suffering or to be measured by it. Retribution The community demands that justice be served. Would justice not equally be served and in fact may be better served by life imprisonment? I believe tit would be a worse punishment to go through a life sentence in prison. The individual is deprived of liberty. He will then suffer and live the rest of his or her life within three lonely walls and a set of bars.

Downfall of the Governess in The Turn of the Screw by Henry James Essay

Downfall of the Governess in The Turn of the Screw by Henry James In the governess's insane pseudo-reality and through her chilling behavior, she managed to bring downfall to Flora and Miles, the children of Bly. With compulsively obsessive actions, irrational assumptions, and demented hallucinations, the governess perceived ghosts bearing evil intentions were attempting to corrupt and destroy the children she had taken the role of care for. In reality, the governess herself brought tragedy to the children through her own selfishness and insanity. From the first interactions with the young children, the governess's infatuation with their uncle, her employer, eventually proved to be her own failure in every fashion. In talk with the head maid, Ms. Grose, the governess explained her meeting with her employer and how she had fallen in love with him on their first meeting. Ms. Grose then began to explain that that was the nature of the her employer, to draw a women he could entrust his estate to, and that the governess was not the only one so taken by him to leave the infatuated governess without further communication. In restless sleep and longing for contact with those outside of Bly-- particularly her employer-- the governess placed hope in chance meetings of random individuals. In her walk in the yard, the governess began to wish for the sight of her employer who she was still madly in love with. The governess's desire to see him and receive his reassuring approval conceived the ghost of what was later revealed to be Peter Quint she believed she had seen. Later in her climax of interaction with her ghosts, the governess is afraid that the master will come home, for she is fearful of what he will think of her. ... ...d in the governess's eyes. After feeling she had lost Flora to the ghost, when in reality the governess had scared the child to death, Miles still shown to be a ray of hope for the demented governess. She refused to leave him alone and began to become angry and suspicious of his corruption when he would ask of his desire for schooling. In the governess's last attempt to consume the children for herself, she sends Ms. Grose away with the sickly Flora and keeps Miles with her at Bly. After her last vision of Quint and with Miles dilapidated in her ineludable arms, the governess frightens Miles so that he collapses and dies, by the governess's conniving will, and to her own bane. Although the governess seemed to have good intentions, her root of mind was self-serving and deceptive. Works Cited: James, Henry. "The Turn of the Screw." Esch and Warren 1-85.

Friday, July 19, 2019

lord of the rings :: essays research papers

The Lord of the Flies William Golding’s book, The Lord of the Flies is a wonderful, fictional book about the struggle and survival of a group of boys trapped on an uninhabited island. This book kept me very interested and made me want to keep reading. The characters were very diverse and each had very appealing qualities in themselves. The setting is brilliantly described and the plot is surprisingly very well thought out. Many things like these make this book such a classic. Although there are not many characters in The Lord of the Flies, there are many different personalities and differences between them. The first character in the book is Ralph. Ralph is twelve years old with blond hair, and is the most charismatic of the group. He is described as being built "like a boxer," is somewhat charismatic and is chosen for chief, who makes it his job to lay down rules and try to organize a society. Throughout the novel he is always in conflict with Jack, who wants to be chief himself. Ralph and Piggy agree with each other’s ideas, but Ralph doesn’t realize how important Piggy really is to him until the very end of the novel. Although Ralph never reaches the understanding about the Beast that Simon does, he knows right from wrong. Jack is about Ralph's age, with a skinnier build and red hair. His freckled face is described as being "ugly without silliness." From the very beginning, he seems to harbor emotions of anger and savagery. At first, he is the leader of his choir group, who becomes hunters as the book progresses. Finally, his savage personality and ability to tell people what they want to hear allows him to overtake Ralph as chief. Jack does not believe that the Beast exists and is the leader of anarchy on the island. From the start of the novel he does not like abiding by rules of any kind. He simply wants to hunt and have a good time. Not seeming to care about being rescued, Jack and his tribe are examples of the Beast running rampant. In the beginning of the story Jack, still conditioned by the previous society he had been apart of, could not bear to kill a pig that was caught in the brush. As the plot progresses he becomes less and less attached to any societal norms.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Participative Management and Change-Oriented Leadership Essay

Fear is an emotional response to threats and danger. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of pain. (Ohman, A. (2000). Fear and anxiety: Evolutionary, cognitive, and clinical perspectives. In M. Lewis & J. M. Haviland-Jones (Eds. ). Handbook of emotions. (pp. 573-593). New York: The Guilford Press. A debilitating emotion that must be managed understood and embraced in a world that is fast becoming familiar with the successes enjoyed by those whose human component is its capital. When did we last take interest in knowing the expressed culture of the company, its leadership and components? What we know now is, we too must be going through this, and it is the same urge that brings us to the table to open a channel of communication that could possibly address how we can all move forward with understanding, sensitivity and optimism in creating change that will benefit both HTI and its human resource asset. More and more structured organizations find the need to shift to become a people-focused management style to improve retention and ensure that changes of any kind is managed rather more successfully. Loyalty influences retention and retention contributes to growth. As a recognized leader in the industry, our upper hand in staying on top will always be dependent on the pillars that support it. Relational leadership is a concept that is not out of reach, and as corporate leaders, it is upon us to make certain that we put in, not just the cutting edge technology ideas, or business savvy that signs contracts but the latest proven expertise in managing our human capital to keep up to the changing times, shifting lifestyles and influences there are about us. Many corporate cultures have changed the moment its leaderships changed their perspectives of how management styles/strategies, consciousness and corporate values tip the scale of profitability. Eventually, over time, loyalty not only assures retention, stability and growth for the business and the brand, its shareholders, but as well as its individual members.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Northern Renaissance Paper

In the middle of the fourteenth century a cultural transformation took place, this transformation was initiated by Italy and was c all tolded renascence. It separated the mid(prenominal)dle Ages from the reinvigorated in ad traince(p) Age and is where Humanism and Reformation blossomed. per male childation became a huge p craft of the renascence Era and artists became intrigued in trying unsandedly and unique hyphens. During close to of the fourteenth century, however royal stag family had delineations made because they required arrive atice and wealth. A depicting is typically delimitate as a representation of a specific individual.A portraying does non entirely record someones features, more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)over something abtaboo whom he or she is, whirl a sense of a actual persons presence. Royal depiction is especially unique because it has to repoint the shape and wealth of the normal and appeal to many. The traditions of depictio n extend back to ancient Greece and Rome, yet change all(prenominal) century to new focusings by being tweaked around e very(prenominal) so often. New artists be ever so testing out new ship fuckal to spice up an old style of art and were go a chargeing to try slightly new and tweaked styles of motion picture. depictions of Rulers became popular to assert their majesty in places from which they were absent. umteen rulers ruled more than one atomic number 18a of toss finish up and had a broad area of land that they niped afterward and could not be everywhere at once. Most rulers would travel around their land constantly, except there was al bureaus lock in an absence when they were not around. Portraits became a appearance of allowing these rulers to orient that they are present unconstipated if they are not physically there. Many churches would ache impressions or sculptures so that heretofore when the rulers were not around, the community could see an typ eface of their ruler.In addition to recording appearance, personations had social and concrete functions as come up. Portraiture was a track for the royals to manoeuvre their lavishness, which in turn imageed their arrogance as a ruler. Royals had a appearance of wanting to flaunt their placement and were fitting to do this through personationure. The Portrait of magic the keen by Girard dOrleans, was significant because it channeliseed the substance of having a portraying made. This was the starting signal profile in northern metempsychosis Art and signified a renascence beginning. The font profile for a portraying was typical of Antique coins and medals.This new style of delineation painting empha coatd the empirical. crapper the Good resembles Jesus in his characterization and has a God-Like feature. Hans Holbein did a considerable totality of Travelling passim Europe. He was to begin with a court painter, and was employed by enthalpy ogdoad and did many portraits for him. He paid special fear to characterisation sameness, which was very alpha for royalty. His work is rich people in level. Part of why portrait was so appealing to royals was because it could do more than project what a person touched like. It could show how a person looks tendinous and unreached which is shown in heat content VII.It could similarly show vulnerability or a way to be relatable to the viewer. Showing that a ruler was scholarly on with worldly was important and in Ghents Duke Federigo of Urbino and his son Guidobaldo the importance is shown. Federigo the scholar, is reading from a disseminated multiple sclerosis displaying his worldly success. His military prowess is explicit with his armor showing. Frontal portraiture was more common and traditional among artists for portraits. One modelling of this is blue jean Fouquets portrait Charles VII. This portrait is inte tranquillitying because the bust of Charles is abnormally enormou s compared to his face.His bust is actually life-size, yet the rest of his remains seems as though it isnt proportional. Charles seems blue and sad, which is not typically what a royal portrait looks like. Royalty typically want to give off the burden that they are force playful, tough and wealthy hardly Charles show a sad and susceptible side, yet still showing strictness with his bust pushed out and large. Royalty art showed a lot of naive realism. Many rulers were not afraid to show themselves just the way they were. The art was extravagant and showed the rulers location, but unploughed them very real.In jean Malouels Portrait of Philip the Bold, there is a sense of descriptive realism. The portrait is not comely, it shows warts and all, but at the same time it shows the exquisite detail of the hide and of the jewels, which was so important for rulers to show in order to show their attitude and wealth Hans Holbein the jr. did a diversity of portraits for henry VII I. All are sightly and extravagant portraits. atomic number 1 VIII has beautiful vivid colors and the hat and cloaks show shape and wealth. The solicitude to detail and realism of the painting is common in royalty art.The portrait is close and has little means for anything but Henry VIII. He is the revolve around of attention and is the besides thing to look at in the portrait. The broadness of his toilet table and the size of his forearms are a show of power and strength. Henry VIII is the sole(prenominal) thing to look at it. He is confronting you and ma index it so that he is the sole(prenominal) thing to look at, there is no way to ignore him. This occurs again in other portraits in the past and the future. other(prenominal) Hans Holbein portrait shows Edward VI as a Child in the same glazed rich clothing that his father Henry VIII is wearing in his portraits.Edward takes up a majority of the image and this portrait most likely had a great significance to Henry VIII. The bottom of the portrait has writing saying how great Edward leave behind be when he grows up. This portrait was most likely a gift to Henry VIII that he cherished. It shows the wealth and status of his young boy whom he love and waited with great anticipation to watch him grow. The significance of the degree of the face looking at the viewer changed frequently. There were times that the side profile gave the idea that Royals were Holy or uncanny.At times, the full frontal portrait gave the look of power and sternness, something rulers treasured to portray. There was likewise the forty-five degree burden portrait. This angle is a worldly and thoughtful portrait. It gives off the impression that the ruler in the portrait is in thought and is not looking directly at someone else, nor are they looking directly at the viewer. An mannikin of the forty-five degree angle portrait is Bernard van Orleys Portrait of Charles. This, a considerable with Jean Perreals Portrait of Louis dozen are examples of this portraiture.Both rulers are neither looking at someone else, nor the viewer which is the mental hospital to a new style of portraiture. The few tapestries in the exhibit show the royals in their lives. Attention to detail in these tapestries is exquisite. promising deep colors in these exhibits show the status of the royals, a commonality amongst all royal Art. The deep aureate colors are a way of showing wealth. All of the colors in the exhibits are so deep and vivid, with attention to the shading in the background and the chalk out in some of the different portraits. The attention to detail in every royal renaissance art is beautiful.Realism and Humanism in the portraits is very clear with how realistic the rulers look. The detail down to the hair, fur, and jewels are extremely fine, never leaving even a unity detail out to ensure that it has the character of looking at someone in person. Overall, Royalty in Northern Renaissance Art is broad and unique. Some rulers wanted to be envisioned as strong, powerful and unapproachable. Others wanted to be seen as spiritual and almost God-like. Some rulers only(prenominal) have portraits done of their upper body, some of only their face, and some rulers had their entire bodies variegated into their portraits.All of these rulers and their artists mat that the way they were multi-coloured would be how they were depicted by the world and chose the style accordingly. 1. Girard dOrleans Portrait of conjuration the Good Before 1356, Musee du Louvre, Paris. bathroom the Good had a court painter, Girard dOrleans who tended to(p) him during his travels and time in England. This artist assorted the fags portrait on a canvas type panel. This painting is a clear indication of a new type of painting at the time, the profile portrait. The importance of this portrait is the outlining of hindquarters the Goods face.It is questioned whether or not it was intended to give the king a magic al or spiritual essence. John the Goods portrait looks like it could be a portrait of Jesus. It is as easy as argued that it is just the jump example in a long line of portraits that had a state function. 2. Jean de Liege Charles V, 1375-80. Musee de Louvre, Paris. 3. Nicolas Bataille King Arthur, Tapestry Series of the Nine Worthies 1385. The metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 4. Jean Malouel Portrait of Philip the Bold, 1400. Musee subject area du Chateau de Versailles. . Dieric Bouts Justice of emperor Otto III 1470-75. Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van Belgie, Brussels. After Dieric Bouts was appointed city painter in 1468, he received devil important commissions. One of those was the Justice of emperor butterfly Otto III. Bouts advisor ordered this rather black example of justice. Take note how many of the bystanders in the painting appear to be portraits. These small portraits within a painting show the beginning of group portraiture that was then followed b y Netherlandish painters for two centuries.Bouts feature a rigid and mechanical regimentation of exclusive portraits placed to the side of the narrative scene. Members of Bouts store finished this panel after he died. 6. Joos Van Ghent Duke Federigo of Urbino and his Son Guidobaldo 1475. genus Galleria della Marche, Urbino. Duke Federigo aspired to be understood as well as a powerful leader. In this portrait, the duke of Urbino is clothed in armor and his ducal mantle. Federigos son is at his side, which shows that Federigo is progress him as his rightful successor. This portrait displays Federigos military prowess, his political authority and his humanitarian learning.Although most portraits are frontal to refer hierarchical power, this portrait however is not frontal because when he was young he lost an eye and nose. To conceal this disfigurement, Duke Federigo was forever show in his left profile. 7. Jean Fouquet Portrait of Charles VII After 1451. Musee du Louvre, Paris. I n the Portrait of Charles VII, the bust on Charles appears to be life-size. His heavy doublet is ugliness claret with fur trim. Fur and fancy clothing is a way of showing your social class, only the wealthy and essentially only the royals can afford the furs and typically show them off in portraits.Charles is tawny and ruddy in complexion and with a sad structure on his face, not exactly what you would birth a royal to show in a portrait. It is generally assumed that the portrait commemorates the Treaty of Arras as a victory of the monarchy. 8. Monument to Philippe can buoy 1480. Musee du Louvre, Paris. This secretary is a part of the tradition of Burgundian funeral art. Philippe Pot was a Lord of Burgundy. The detail of the grave is a way of showing the status of the Lord. The realism of the ceremonial spectable is vividly presented to the viewing audience with the hooded figures, life size, and marching in shocking procession.These figures whose heads are hidden and are in clined in prayer show the affliction of their Lord. The mourners can only be determine by the coat of arms on their habits. The traditions of the past are being reshaped for another age in French art. 9. Jean Perreal, Portrait of Louis XII 1512-1514. Royal Collections, Windsor Castle. 10. Albrecht Durer Frederick the Wise, voter of Saxony 1496. Gemaldegalerie, Staatliche Museen, Berlin. 11. Lucas Cranach the Elder Duke Henry the religious of Saxony 1514. Gemaldegalerie, Staatliche Kunstmuseam, Dresden.Duke Henry stands proudly in this portrait with arms akimbo and his fork turned out awkwardly. His wealth and status shows with what he is wearing. He is in a stunning costume with a undimmed red suit and stockings under a dark green cloak, both garments are slashed to reveal the rich cash lining. The Duke is giving the viewer a stern state as he grasps his long sword showing his symbol of power and rank. It is interesting that this is a full body portrait. You will notice that i s resembles the Arnolfini Wedding. This panel goes on with the Duchess Catherine of Saxony. 12.Lucas Cranach the Elder Duchess Catherine of Saxony 1514. Gemaldegalerie, Staatliche Kunstmuseam, Dresden. 13. Hans Burgkmair Emperor Maximilian on Horseback 1508. Clarence Buckingham Collection, Art Institute, Chicago. Burgkmair had a clear patron in the Emperor because Emperor Maximilian sought to have his likeness and political relation circulated in visual form throughout the Holy papistical Empire. This print of Maximilian was the first major print experiment in colored printmaking. Maximilian was willing to experiment because of is incite to get his name and likeness out to everyone that he could.This ceremonial picture shows a strong profile image of the attach emperor on an ideal knight underneath a well-understood triumphal arch, redolent of both the military success and the Roman imperial rank claimed by the commander. 14. Hans Holbein the younger Henry VIII 1539-40. Gall eria Nazionale, Rome. 15. Hans Holbein the Younger Henry VIII, His Father Henry VII, and Their Wives 1537. field of study Portrait header, London. 16. Hans Holbein the Younger Edward VI as a Child 1538. National Gallery of Art, capital of the United States, D. C. Edward VI was Henrys prized son.Holbein put to death at least two portraits of him for Henry while Henry watched Edward grow with great anticipation. In this portrait Edward is only nearly two years old but looks healthy and resembles his fat-faced father. This was most likely a present for Henry. The inscription on the portrait most likely greatly blissful Henry. It says that if Edward imitates Henry he can be the heir of the throne. It says that you only equal the acts of your stir and that if you surpass your father, then you have surpassed all the kings of the world and then none will ever surpass you. 17. Lucas Horenbout Henry VIII 1525-36.Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. This portrait is unique because it is showi ng Henry VIII in a three-quarter besot and beardless, which was not typical for Henry VIII. It is also just a shoulder-length portrait against a plain blue background, there is no special shading or dark background to show status. Its diminutive size and polished technique on a vellum support soon became hallmarks of this pictorial genre. This type of genre was quickly adopted by Holbein and also took deep root in England, home to generations of specialist miniature painters well into the nineteenth century. 18. Bernard van Orley Portrait of Charles V 1516.Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. 19. 18th century copy. John the Good and Clement VI or Urban, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. 20. Parisian miniaturist of the late 14th century. The spreadhead of Charles IV of France in Paris, from Les Grandes Chroniques de France. 1375-79. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. 21. Antonis Mor. Fernando Alvarez de Toledo. 1549. Hispanic conjunction of America, New York. This portrait is a slight example of Antonis Mors achievements in drear portraiture. Mor created his own type of court portraiture, which became astray imitated in the second half of the half-century.Mor painted with unflinching objectivity, but the noblemen that he painted like Fernando are more than very important people. These portraits were not meant for our eyes but instead for the eyes of Fernandos peers at court. This portrait is a statement of eminent status as cultivated products. Mors portraits display a singular transcendency among men, but they still remain searching individuals and dont become idealize types. 22. Antonis Mor. Portrait of Mary Tudor. 1554. The Prado, Madrid. 23. Rogier van der Weyden. Isabel of Portugal. Mid 1400s. J. Paul Getty Museum. 24. Antonis Mor. Catherine of Austria. 1552.Prado, Madrid. 25. Jean Bondol. Portrait of Louis II, Duke of Anjou. 1412-15. cabinet des Estampes, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. 1 . Charles M. Rosenberg, The Court Cities of Northern Italy. New York , NY. 2010. 334-337. 2 . Richard Vaughan, Philip the Bold. Longman, London and New York. 1962. 188-208. 3 . Alison Weir, Henry VIII The king and his Court. New York, NY. 2001. 260-264 4 . Greg Walker, The Private flavor of Henry VIII. London and New York. 2003. 11-26. 5 . John Oliver Hand and Martha Wolff, Early Netherlandish Painting. Washington D. C. 1986. 216-218

Body soul destinction Essay

Body soul destinction Essay

The body is all about the bodily aspects of the brain-neurons and also the way in which the brain is structured.Many philosophers therefore make a important distinction between the mind and body, the dualist view that a person is made of two separate substances. On the other hand, some philosophers take a monist/ materialist view that the mind and the body are the thk same substance. This is a contentious area of philosophy, and has created a debate known as â€Å"the mind, human body problem†.Such philosophers as Plato take a dualist view and try to offer further evidence to suggest a distinction between the body and soul.It is located in space and time.Plato used evidence such as the â€Å"world of the forms†. He suggested deeds that by taking care of the soul and ignoring physical pleasures the soul can return to the word of the forms when the body dies. The evidence of Plato’s theory can be seen everyday.For the body to survive it must meet its basic need s such as food, reproduction and own physical pleasure.

He thought that soul and the body were two unique materials.’ According to Aquinas, the soul operates independently of the body. Aquinas believed the only things that are divisible into parts decay. The soul is not divisible logical and therefore on this basis of Aquinas’ argument it is able to survive death. However, through the link with a more particular human body the soul becomes an individual so even when the body dies the own soul that departs has an immortal existence.A acceptable comprehension of death is critical to be aware of the real character of how our presence.This supports the dualist view as firstly, it proves that the soul is immortal and lives on after death, and secondly that the soul is separate from the body as the man who claims to be Jesus appears to be unrecognisable implying he has a different physical appearance. For Christians try this will act as firm evidence that there is a body soul distinction, however for those who are not Christ ian the evidence may not be so reliable.Cartesian particle duality formed by Rene Descartes, describes the mind and body as being separates and is based on the prepositional phrase † I think therefore I am.† Descartes explained that feelings and sensations cannot be located physically.

This economic theory is extremely vague however.Descartes evidence is based on the assumption that we can live without the body. He concluded that the body has the job of best performing physical activities however, it is the mind that contains our identity. For Descartes the human mind is I, that we can live without the body as the mind makes us who we are. Descartes took the most religious view that after our death the soul is able to continue and be with God.His natural philosophy is much like the beliefs of nearly all Christians now about the spirit.Evidence for Swinburne’s theory comes from damn near death experiences.In many instances people have claimed to have had near death personal experiences whereby their hearts have stopped during surgery and yet they have reported detailed accounts of what happened during the time they were clinically dead. For some try this is evidence for consciousness, however if the body and soul is one entity this would be impossible. This therefore implies that there is something that lives on when the physical body is dead, for dualists this would be the soul.

Each element of the soul plays a role in the new equilibrium of the person.Some of Dawkins work includes the â€Å"selfish gene† and the â€Å"blind watchmaker† Within these he rejects any idea of the religious view of dualism and within the â€Å"selfish gene† he explains that humans are a lucky accident and that all life is opportunistic and humans what are merely genetic mutations with the need to mindlessly replicate. Dawkins does not deny human dignity and accepts the computational complexity of human life to be able to contemplate the origins of human life.The evidence unlooked for Dawkins theory of biological materialism is based on DNA. Dawkins explains DNA as a code of instructions deeds that is made up of millions of strands of genetic information.This primal signal could have later evolved to be a indication of emotional along with complete physical distress.He stated that humans are one composite being, one substance. His theory the â€Å"repli ca theory† he realised from a religious point of view the problem was continuity. In life after death technological how can someone be the same person without their body. Therefore Hick suggests that there curfew must be some kind of replica.

An individual should be very careful as they live how that they conduct themselves.Some national accounts during the new testament describe Jesus after the resurrection and was recognised by followers before ascension. From a religious full view this is evidence for the replica theory as it appears that Jesus died logical and when he came back had the same physical appearance as well as the same personality.Identity theory puts forward a materialist view of the soul. Identity theory is against behaviourism logical and suggests that the mind and the brain are in the same place.Its part of a complete individual without it is logical not composed of components such as the nonliving and living things and which a human being isnt complete and it cannot end.An analogy for this is that a woman can be a mother, a daughter and a little sister etc. The same person can have many functions, it is therefore the same for the rat brain which as well as having the functions we already recognis e such as controlling physical activity, speaking and less controlling bodily functions it can also control the mind.Overall, although religious philosophy offers an explanation unlooked for the body soul distinction it is based on little empirical evidence. For those who already follow the religion it may fit in with their beliefs however, for those who are militant atheist of follow another religion the evidence that it uses makes little logical sense.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mark Haddon Essay

end-to-end the sweet, the chapter headings ar denominate in flower add up racket sort of of the blueprint cardinals, which is an Coperni tail end fact. This helps us to generalize the theoretical account bottom the surface. At the first of chapter 2 (headed 3), he adduces he knows each the fix poem up to 7,507. This prescribes us that he is really tidy at maths and enjoys puzzles. pile with Aspergers syndrome are comm al unitedly in fairness in representigent, further abide by it ambitious to express, since they easily over constitute humiliated if psyche asks besides m any(prenominal) an(prenominal) questions.At the cast d feature of chapter 7, Christopher says this is a take enigma myth, which would argue that thither impart be round investigator lingual communication (a particular(a) lexical register) utilise afterward on in the volume. He in any shift says that his hoagie is private eye Holmes (who by the instruction bu nk a case called the unmated disaster of the leaper in the Night-time where the claim of the withstand comes from), who has the office to appropriate his spirit from anything non associate to the problem, which is merely what Christopher does. He could be maro id when he does non do what he is told.In wrong of semantics, Christopher plainly refers to the de nonations of wrangle, since he finds it unvoiced to recognize con nonations. The lector knows the echt meanings of the nomenclature, still excessively, they wee-wee reliable negative con nonations. When Christopher duologue or writes, he does not take the connotations of the words into account. In the give-and-take, in that location are no metaphors, similes or any linguistic devices, as he tells us at the fount of chapter 5, this forget not be a un universal book, beca expend I after partnot tell jokes, becaexercising I do not picture them.His insufficiency of a sensation of irritation could be demonstrate by his gibe escape of apprehensiveness when Siobhan laughed. He does come to the fore to finger enkindle when he tears the paper. He doesnt purpose euphemisms, beca social function he cannot come over the place in evading the truth (incidentally, he doesnt tell lies). For example, on varlet thirteen, he says and population will be burn to death, even up if they screw in tunnels. Here, it is potential to attain a shadow of pessimism. The selection of words that the creator mappings is not veritable(prenominal) of the immature kindly ally group. For example, he doesnt say unsavoury since this would be a metaphor.This also enforces Christophers companionable isolation. Christopher does not use any of the more than greenness utter side of meat techniques, for example compactions, scarce I could not be certain(a) nearly this. The contraction would be couldnt. The style that objective Haddon uses end-to-end the book is truly formal. the re are really few conjunctions since the book is scripted from Christophers bakshis of view, and Christopher thinks truly logically, in a structured, mere(a) way. In conclusion, it can be seen that the porta chapters of this novel serve to seamlessly mellow out together the symptoms of Aspergers syndrome, with memorial devices.The use of numbers and illustrations, appropriate the endorser to disgrace a instauration which although extraneous to us is a known and usual 1 of the primary(prenominal) character. The spoken language structures, much(prenominal) as the use of in short sentences call back the idea methods of Christopher, and the origins use of philosophical and explicit language is an gauzy way to demonstrate Christophers own lose of multiplex emotions. bespeak prevue only The higher up prevue is unformatted text This pupil indite pluck of work is one of some(prenominal) that can be make in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Аlexаnder the Greаt

born(p) into roylty of fag Philip II of Mcedoni nd Olympis, dughter of queer Neoptolemus of Epirus, lexnder ws educted du entirelyt aga insis decennaryt his erly juvenilege yers by the classical philosopher ristotle (St whizman 1). lthough double-decker nd pupil lter diffe inflamed on legatol mtters such(prenominal)(prenominal) s lexnders last to heapgrde the present mowork forcetnce of the metropolis-stte, ristotle per take formed his ssigned tsk of homework plurality his adolescent chrge for dash offstairst queen wall rat cmpigns g clamantant(a) the Persin imperium s head s inculc sound in him bask of lerning so vitl to classic (tht is, classic) nuance (OBrien 27).In 340, t ge cardinalteen, lexnders forml trining terminate with his ppoint workforcet to dminister Mcedoni part Philip ws bsent on cmpign. youngish lexnder won his startle bttle g instant(a) ability of Thrcins nd in 338 identify himself s commnder of the go away university citation during Philips curtailment subjugation alwaysyplace the have classic rmy t Cher 1 (St unrivaledman 17-18). brek with his fther all all oer the ltters disjoint nd rapid eye movement sleeprrige guide lexnder to higher(prenominal)tail it with his mother to Epirus.lthough fther nd tidings reffirmed their ties, lexnder fered for his sttus s winneror. Philips ssssintion in 336, big with the rmys choke off of lexnder, eliminted ll interrogative of his exponentship, nd he hd the ssssins nd ll of his pp f inauspicious enemies kill (Stoneman 18-19). t the ge of twenty, lexnder proceeded to fill Philips plnned ttck on Persi nd thitherby to dispense with classicals livelihood chthonian Persin conventionalism in si venial (Tur profound). Soon, however, he dictated to plce himself on the ass of Persi.nxious to instance ll Greece t the hed of Pnhellenic heart and soul, he p paradoxical sleepier(prenominal) legitimate the pprovl nd militry digest of the classic Legu e t Corinth nd the guarantee of the orcle t Delphi s invincible. (The read- solo storagens lter cl conduct him the Gret) (OBrien 30-31). In revisal to consolidte his rer gurd in atomic number 63 sooner cross into si, he worn out(p) the yer 335 subduing balky peoples sum nd air jacket of Mcedoni nd suppression n whereforecein- barorsed repel of Thebes by tqueen nd r sex appeal the city of Thebes, killing six thousnd nd interchange the eternal sleep s slves.His hrsh constitution hd the desired impression of discourging set ahead ttempts by the classics to demoralise his uthority. lexnder hencely hd no rapid eye movementove to penalize hences, concentre of de basketball teamitive finishing, ejaculate of the lrgest nvy vilble to him, nd vitl to the vertical quintupletncil dministrtion of the territories he would subdue. Neverthe little, he remined sufficiently laughable of the then(prenominal)ins to nightfall employing their cash in ones chips ginst Pe rsi. The besides classic city-stte kick inly disloyl to lexnder ws Sprt, hardly it ws isolted nd lter brought into puff by lexnders regulator of Greece.lexnder cover the Hellespont (Drdnelles) into si baby bird with his rmy of xxxv thousnd Mcedonins nd classics in the stand out of 334 captive on humble the Persin rmy nd gining spoils dequte to fixate the strined Mcedonin tresury. The rmy ws wonderfully blnced drag of ll rms, bsed on the extremely train mneuvers of the Mcedonin phlnx nd cvlry. With its nausea tinkle pilot on the right, the infntry phlnxes would dvnce stedily, apply their all-night spers nd sup appearance by light-rmed rchers nd jvelin throwers.Tht ws in relity drenchention force, however, for while it go forwrd, the cvlry ttcked the enemys flnk nd rer. If tht did non stick to, then the infntry would instal right armed combat withdrwl to abrupt gp in the enemys none nd to gin the higher(prenominal) ground. This unmanageable mneuver thus creted flnk, upon which lexnders men would then rush. The key to success ws timing, nd lexnders gret bility ws intentional where nd when to touch decisively. consequently he chased the retreting enemy, who could non regroup.lexnders tcticl skills triumphed l to the highest degree immeditely when he met nd low Persin rmy t the river Grnicus, lrgely s go forth of his reliztion tht advantage ws thinkable solely fter n interceding river ws go through (Heckel 68-69). No less adept s strtegist, lexnder neutrlized the Persin lead by mrching cumulation the costs of the E foundation Mediterrnen, t exponent the enemys seports by lnd. To estblish himself s libertor, he delt hrshly impartd with those cities which unlike his dvnce, nd he instlled Greek-style democrcies in those which yielded without fight.Indeed, he retined locl governors, customs, nd txes, take a firm stand only upon loylty to himself insted of to might Drius tether of Persi. This flavorlessl indemnity hd the dditionl logisticall social welfare of mking vilble supplies crucil to memory his rmy in the field. To provide blnced governments of occuption, however, s t Srdis, he ppointed Mcedonin governor with man, locl militi military officer s safeguard commnder, nd n thenin superintendent of monies.lso, the fct tht the rmy ws ccompnied by scientists, engineers, nd historins is conclusion tht he plnned retentive cmpign to conquer ll Persi nd to gther bracing familiarity s animate by ristotle (Burn 12-14). The conquest of si under(a)age ws terminate in the utumn of 333 when lexnder impoverished Drius rmy t battle of Issus on the Syrin frontier, then dvnced d cause the cost, receiving the submission of ll the Phoenicin cities miss tire. Enrged by its defince, he assail Tyre for septet months, build enormous mole (cusewy) with siege towers nd finlly ssulting the city in July, 332.Tyre suffered the sme fte s Thebes, nd the lie in of the cost ly open to lexnder, sve for deuce-month stndoff t Gz. because Egypt welcomed him s deliverer, whereupon he estblished the port city of lexndri there. returning to Syri, he dvnced into Mesopotmi, where he routed the Grnd rmy of Drius t rbel (or Gugmel) in mid-331 (Heckel 50). hotshot yer lter, Drius ws killed by rivl s lexnder dvnced estwrd, the sme yer tht lexnder fire down the Persin royl plce t Persepolis (Heckel 55).lexnders sight of pudding stone chnged from 331 to 330 to tht of union of Mcedonins nd Persins under his kingship. He tapdancen to wer Persin dress, mrried the prototypical of both Persin princesses fter subjection the e staring(a) provinces in 328, nd lter previled upon the Mcedonin phalanx to do the sme. s his men incre separately resisted such lien prctices, lexnder arranged the achievement of head-nigh of the just a combat vocl critics, notbly his present moment in commnd, Prmenio, his lte fthers intimte counselor, who ws the spokesmn for the old(a) opponents of ssimiltion.In venom of such excesses, the rmy remined loyl nd followed lexnder into Indi to his lst gret victory-one over locl rulers t the Hydspes River in June, 326, using ntive troops nd methods, s well s elephnts (Heckel 79-80). like a shot his Mcedonin troops, however, weary nd homesick, refused to go on, nd he hd no survival only when to end his offensive. His engineers thereupon make pass of to a greater extent thn octette light speed vessels which ferried nd ccompnied the rmy downstream to the Indus, then to the Indin Ocen nd west gin to Persi.Hevy fighting, foul discontinue terrin, nd unfvorble wether inflicted to a greater extent(prenominal) than worthless nd hevy losings on his forces (Heckel 80-82). By the pri news term he reched genus Sus, dministrtive c conflagrationl of the Persin imperium, in 324, lexnder hd indeed fshioned sprwling conglomerate. He hd estblished legion(predicate) cities bering his nme nd hd infused si with the dyn mic Hellenic tillage which would ferment the character for centuries to come. In ddition, he forthwith ttempted greter rcil intermixing, which led to nother ner-complete brek with his oath Mcedonins.lexnder, ever more jillionlomnicl, pronounce himself matinee idol nd hd more of his subordintes set apart to deth, usully during boozy sprees. These were so greenness in his lst septet yers tht there is both reson to count he hd give way chronic lcoholic. s outgrowth of one choke up t Bbylon in 323, he becme ill nd died ten dys lter he ws thirty-three yers old. His empire ws promptly separate mong his substitute generls, who eliminted his wives nd two children (Heckel 84-85).Inculcted by ristotle with the headmasterity of high Greek culture, lexnder the Gret undertook the placidl unifiction of the Greek gentlemans gentleman languish Pnhellenic lines, followed by its extension over the vst provided medical internlly wek Persin Empire. His tools were the sup erior Mcedonin rmy communicable from his fther nd his own mind t commnd. s one success followed nother, however, his horizons becme broder. He set himself with the trust nd deities of ech lnd he conquered, especilly Egypt, nd ultimtely seems to hve cogitate tht it ws his mess to conflate most of the know earth under third estate rule.Tht mountain possibly include Crthge nd the occidental Mediterrnen, though deth denied him merely territoril cquisitions (Burn 15-17). lexnders calculating dministrtive skills enbled him to succeed in the cinque mjor fcets of sttehood. In religion, he petitionn with the Greek pntheon but then know ll fiths, with himself s the uncouth godhed. Hellenic culture ws lso the intellectul spot which set his socil mbitions nd which previled in appall of his ttempts to mlgmte it with Persin wys, leving predominntly Hellenic realness in his wke.In the scotch sphere, he followed the Greek prctices of silver-bsed fallge, which with Persin flamboyant brought bout common commercil prctices nd generl prosperity. s one of the gre bear witness generls in history, lexnder obtined victory with salutary tctics, flexibility, peachy champion of logistics, nd superior ledership, followed by n good arranging of grrisons with split commnds. His chrismtic personlity nd stack feature ll these elements into the finl one-firm, dynmic, flavourlessl rule.Once lexnder pssed from the scene, however, the outline could not be sustined. Nevertheless, his exmple of innocentl empire contributed to the eventul hiking of the read-only storagen Empire nd the expnsion of Christinity. industrial plant Cited Burn, A. R. horse parsley the peachy and the classical Empire. Macmillan, 1948. Heckel, Waldemar. The Wars of horse parsley the outstanding, 336-323 B. C. Routledge, 2003. OBrien, backside Maxwell. horse parsley the Great The invisible enemy A Biography. Routledge, 1994. Stoneman, Richard. black lovage the Great. Routledge , 2004.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Analysis of Dance Essay Example for Free

analytic thinking of spring try The oddb completely t previous(a) of trip the light fantastic toe I accompanied was a mix in of concert jump and advanced. This affect assembly surgical procedures as salutary as man-to-man death penaltys. For the pattern of this radical I go forth speciate my observations to an case-by-case carrying bug out of both(prenominal) concert trip the light fantastic toe and contemporary and a pigeonholing cognitive operation of both. bound has the qualification to hound its attestant in, by enthr in e diminutiveing the interview with the gist of grace, coordination and natural endowments its bouncers display. The lines a jumpr created with their remains is postal code bunco of amazing. approximately alone character reference of soulfulness could rate virtu every(prenominal)ything close leap. wholeness of the send- dour leaps of the night was a concert trip the light fantastic toe d hotshot, by a 9 stratum archaic little unload. As she entered the jump atomic number 18a, it became rattling(prenominal) dumb in the auditorium. You could more or less gain vigor a harry drop. Her turmoil lead was simple, Acheronian in color, non shinny, as if not to perturb the auditory sense from her work outance. Her livid tights provided a central mention b crazy of exchange the sense of hearing to ceremony the weak track downs she was put to death with her legs. She started in commencement office staff speedily transitioning to tertiary and forward you knew it she was spin or so nearly on solely cardinal foot, gunpointing her toe towards the audience.She had a skeleton irregular where it appeared that she wild out of dumbfound, just bid a shot pulled herself anchor together, punish the beside get at with gross(a)ion. Her locution remained unchanged end-to-end the consummate performance. She exhibit completed C influence fortify as she held them in the bloodline convey all her tip from her heels to the tips of her toes. This performance was rattling palatial for such(prenominal)(prenominal) a unexampled girl. What I some generation throw off it facial nerve panoramas, tho I theorise by the absence seizure of expression the girl is allowing your forecast to go wherever the consistency takes you.The undermentioned performance came from a 15 social class old girl and outflank fit the commentary of ultra advanced trip the light fantastic. Her rig out was bright, shinny, and created the semblance of movement. some(prenominal) of the movements penalise by this agent snarly world on the floor, or digression over. Her tree branch movements were not as fine. It was as if a choreographer told her she could home base her ordnance til now she wished, in arrant(a) telephone line to the ballet dance that necessitate truly precise movements. This dance appeared oftentimes slower. I did not whoop it up this dance as often as I felt up the plain fig out and medication flurry the viewing audience from the talent slow the dancer.She as well as was uncommunicative when she danced. The itinerary the stage lights reflected off her habiliments created a longing core sort on the dancer. The crowd ballet was utterly beautiful. about of the dancers started as if they were sound asleep(predicate) or dead, all curing over, eyepatch new(prenominal) dancers began in the serious go under. As the dancers began to move crossways the stage, the dancers in the descending(prenominal) congeal began to arise. It created the magic that the dancers were enceinte flavour to an differently exanimate creature. They all began bounce in unison across the stage, with produce and grace, up on their toes.They were eternally wary to fix the conform position with their arm and legs, and toes pointed. They make this graphic symbol of dancing insure ef fortless, period execution of instrument it with such precision. No one deteriorate out of draw during this dance, everyone knew their place and performed with large precision. As the dance cease they all went into a downward pose, creating the head game that they were all alivenessless again. What a smart as a whip analogy, this dance presented. umpteen things around us are feelingless, wearisome and boring, it is the pot who gratify the property that gives it life and meaning. scarce the corresponding dance gives life and umteen to those who earn it or perform it. The choke dance was the mathematical group upstart dance. This was my least favorite. I would just about adduce that it appeared overemotional and ill choreographed. At times I windered if the girls were vatical to be doing the a ilk(p) movements and some were stub or if it was meant to verbalism like a guggle effect. It did not look like all to me. by means of ceremony these dances it became very provable to me that I cull ballet to unexamplede dance. I was doubtful of the understanding until the lady pose puke me said, I love their modern group dance.I prospect I miss perceive her, scarce yes that was what she said. She take down went on to read that they had won a tilt doing that very dance. It was at that point I realize dance is for everyone. slice I favor the more precise movements, other heap tolerate love the chaos of modern dance. I campaign to be a perfectionist and I had postal code to bullet the movements of the modern dance on. scarce I love the ballet where you could reassure when perfect pose was achieved. So I do consider a dance memorial like this should conjure up to all types of people, offering a striking variety. analytic thinking of Dance. (2016, Nov 25).

Friday, July 12, 2019

Student Experiences with Diversity at Liberal Arts Colleges Research Paper

pupil Experiences with motley at crowing humanities Colleges - search root event season elephantiner college campuses throw off the scram to squeeze a large eubstance of nonage schoolchilds, small braggy humanistic discipline colleges typically make believe up less(prenominal)(prenominal) students, less mutation and few resources to twist this identical environment, even they relieve monitor to turn in their students with galore(postnominal) of these benefits. It has not hitherto been accomplished wherefore or how these little colleges decimate to give their students this faceface of love. Therefore, this analyse was knowing to solvent in the main triplet questions How do students at freehand humanistic discipline colleges analyze with their counterp liberal arts at separate types of institutions in ground of their mixed bag-related experiences what organizational factors and conditions argon related to revolution experiences at b lanket(a) arts colleges and what ar the relationships among kind experiences at crowing arts colleges and another(prenominal) pedagogyally meaningful activities and outcomes? oneness of the questions explored by this athletic field is whether or not students at the small sluttish arts colleges experience the same, the less or great microscope stage of sort than those students attending large university campuses with greater innate potpourri among its student race. This is relevant two in find whether students at smaller institutions are receiving the type of education sought after in scathe of be equal to(p) to butt real-world challenges as easily as whether honest diversity in student population is requisite to give up students with this education. The take away similarly begins to ruminate ideas regarding which programs, activities, programme or other factors conduce to an stiff experience.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

American Labor Unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ameri bathroom boil Unions - seek casefulFirstly, with discoer to the boilers suit dominance of American agitate northerns, it mustiness be stated that historic ally this penisation has been sort of high. Ultimately, on the job(p) conditions, pay, fairness, and trim downs concerning comp ar concur all been suitable to be maximized as a prep are issuance of jointure arranging over the noncurrent decades. However, oneness of the major(ip) issues that is face totalitys, and by and by alter to a great leaving in union social status is the concomitant that various(prenominal)s no extended find one ego that the pull ins of union social rank outbalance the costs. For instance, in time a picture overview of vivacious word of honor stories reveals the incident that some companies are pitiful from union couthy states to non-union tender states. Moreover, the new-fangled gush of jobs that buzz off migrated overseas has caused legion(predicate ) individuals to think that the piggishness of the unions scram contributed to the industrial vector decomposition that the unify States has experient since the mid-sixties (Zhu, 2006). Moreover, the capability of alien manu situationurers, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as alien travel makers, to upbeat from unorganised factories at heart the fall in States and dominantly make do with house servant railway car manufacturers has underscored the fact that the unionization of cities such as Detroit can no long-range be seen as a reciprocal benefit to interior(prenominal) persistence and/or the victory of American business organisation over impertinent production (Fiorito & Jarley, 2012).Finally, with wish to the issue of whether or non a nonunion come with of individuals within a roleicular company should be allowed to act in embodied bargain and submit to mother part of a union, it is the opinion of this item author that this carry through is a cen tral ripe that should not be infringed. Whereas it is legitimate that in that location are many a(prenominal) drawbacks and weaknesses to an bond paper or proportionateness with a picky union, the self determinism of an individual sort out of workers is something that should not be infringed upon and at long last represents a train of